Help support our clubs and make a donation to the Westview Athletic General Fund.
Hopeful future items -
Weight Room Renovation ($50,00)
Softball Scoreboard ($20,000)
Press Box and Concession Connex Containers near announcers booth ($12,000)
Wind Screens for the tennis courts ($20,000)
Westview Athletics Branding around athletic fields ($10,000)
New Turf Field on the back field or re seed it in a Bermuda grass. ($1,000,000 - $30,000)
Sand Volleyball Court renovation ($8,000)
Cheer and Wrestling Covered Practice Facility ($200,000)
New Athletic Trainer Golf Cart ($14,000)
4 Swim and Water Polo Branded Pop up Tents for increment weather days ($5,000)
Softball and JV Baseball ball netting for fans. ($15,000)
Wireless Mics for referees in the stadium ($6,000)
Previously funded :